199 steps, Whitby
199 steps, Whitby

Whitby has long been a magnet for artists and photographers and I have seen many images made of the different views and some on and around these famous steps. I couldn't wait to make a record of my own.

I had previously scouted this location and narrowed it down to this composition avoiding the ugly scaffolding on a nearby building. For the twilight shot I had in mind I knew that the timing would be critical with the right moment between night and day lasting just a few moments. Despite my best laid plans I still found myself on the other side of the harbour at the time when I needed to be setting up the shot and so when I finally made my way to the top of these steps heavily laden with camera bag, tripod and exhausted it was a good job I knew exactly where and how to set up. All I had to do then was pray for a gap in the pedestrian traffic.

Date: 20/09/2013

Location: North York Moors