Having studied an Ordnance Survey map my wife and I set off in search of this spot on the edge of the North York Moors. It had been raining heavily all day but the local weather forecast predicted a possibility of a break in the weather later. We set off from the car in waterproofs in hope more than expectation that the rain would stop and that we would be able to find this spot in time for when it did.
After first heading in completely the wrong direction and then much traipsing about on wet and overgrown footpaths I settled on a spot halfway up a steep path with a view of Roseberry Topping, the Hill in the distance. It wasn't the view I was looking for but the clouds were beginning to part and if the sun did put in an appearance it would be brief and I didn' t want to miss it. As I began to set up, my wife continued on up the path with our dog only to return a few minutes later exclaiming 'It's better up there.' She had found the spot.
I quickly scouted the area and relocated finding the best of what was left of the heather to use as foreground interest. I framed up the scene in a panic and was just about ready for when the sun put in its oh so brief appearance. Luck it seemed was on my side but did I make the best of it? It's not a bad attempt but in hindsight I would have zoomed in a bit tighter on Roseberry Topping and the foreground. Sometimes the desire to get it all in can take over. Although I feel this could have been better I still feel pretty lucky and pleased to have got a good image of this iconic view.
Date: 17/09/2013
Location: North York Moors