I do like a lie in on my holidays as my working days start early. This was dawn on New years eve so a late night was sure to follow. I was praying the winter weather would be worth getting out of bed early for.
As the darkness slowly began to lift it did not look at all promising, a swathe of approaching heavy cloud masked the horizon scuppering any chance of catching the sunrise I had hoped for. Never the less I found a composition that worked based around the small chalk stone, rippled sand and headland and set up the camera tripod and filter system resigned to the fact that this was now more for practice than the hope of capturing a worthwhile image.
An unexpected momentary break in the thick cloud briefly allowed the rising sun to under light the cloud and sweep through the sky towards me. It was so sudden that I almost forgot to press the shutter release. A second later I was looking straight into the blinding sun before it was once again engulfed in cloud not to be seen again that day.
I packed up my gear a happy man despite the deteriorating weather. It had been worth the early start and the journey here for just that few seconds of sunlight.
Date: 31/12/2015
Location: Kingsgate Bay, nr Broadstairs, Kent