This was the last evening of our weeks holiday in Suffolk and I was itching to make a decent sunset image. The sky was looking really strong but I was struggling to find an image to put with it. Marsh land like this is relatively flat and featureless photographically speaking but the stillness of this pool of water and the two pieces of wood protruding from it caught my eye.
Positioning the camera and tripod was critical in trying to create a balanced composition between my two pieces of wood and the pool and the sweep of the river beyond. I positioned the pool close to the edge of the frame to create some tension and angled the camera so that as the sun arced down to the horizon it would just come into view on the left side of the frame.
When it did I then had to wait for the brief moment when it weakened just enough to prevent lens flare spoiling the image. The cloud formation drifting into just the right place to coincide with this moment was down to pure luck.
Date: 30/09/2016
Location: Southwold, Suffolk