This area of limestone on the Yorkshire Dales is truly bizarre to look at. Other areas are flat like pavements but cracked with deep grikes and fissures where acid rain and other agents of erosion are slowly eating away the stone. This area of Southerscales has a real feeling of wilderness about it that appeals to me greatly.
I am not sure that this photograph should be included on my website for two reasons. Firstly the conditions were a little too benign to do the scene proper justice and secondly I sort out this tree because Joe Cornish had previously made several images of it that I absolutely love that compelled me to find this view and make a 'copy' for myself.
I was saddened to discover that one of the trees branches had broken off and lie beside it in the grass stunting somewhat its previous elegant shape. I just hope that Joes image had not led others with fewer brain cells and questionable morals to visit and damage it. I'd like to hope that the limb came off in strong winds but I have my doubts.
My image is incomparable with Joe Cornishes for numerous reasons, conditions, talent, broken limbs yet even so the rock formations in it are the same and no less fascinating to my eye.
Date: 16/09/2020
Location: Southerscales, Yorkshire Dales