Wye Nature Reserve is one of my favourite places on the Kentish North Downs and one of the few places in Kent you are free to roam. I have visited this spot many times in the past and thought this autumn was worth another look.
On previous visits I had always included a shapely hawthorn tree but brambles and other vegetation have now grown partly obscuring it. If I had taken my taller tripod I might have been able to include it but it is heavy and I opted for my smaller one on this occasion. I forgot how steeply the land falls away here necessitating the taller tripods height.
Instead I based the composition around the central tree in the middle distance and used the bright red berries of this younger bush as foreground interest. To my mind it is still one of the best view points in Kent and all the better for being off the beaten track.
Date: 26/10/2020
Location: Wye, Kent