I have made several attempts at photographing this landmark. Two from the same view point but it is a very difficult location to do justice to and all attempts so far have fallen short.
On this occasion I set up in the same spot. The sun had just disappeared behind a huge swathe of dark cloud out to my right but with the wind direction as it was I knew it would blow the cloud right across my view and that inevitably the sun would reappear.
The sun broke through onto the weald of Kent to my right and I was poised with my shutter release cable ready for when the sun raced up the valley. This moment of light lasted perhaps a second before fully lighting the scene. If there was ever a photograph that epitomised pre-visualisation and being in the right place at the right time then this is it from my collection. I'm still not entirely happy with the sky. The clear band that separates the land from the dark cloud competes for attention with the fabulous sun light on the hill. Still a work in progress perhaps.
Date: 26/10/2020
Location: Wye National Nature Reserve, Kent