Its a common saying amongst landscape photographers that you are never going to make a great image from the car park when visiting famous landmarks and viewpoints. You need to get mud on your boots and go off in search of your own take on a subject. It's a point of view that I wholeheartedly agree with.
This is one image however that was taken right from the car park at Elgol. In my defence it was raining hard on arrival so I sheltered from the downpour in the car. The clouds were breaking and the suns rays dramatically piercing through out over the bay while I chomped at the bit waiting for the rain to ease. The moment it did I was out of the car with the camera on the tripod in a race to make something of the fabulous light before it passed.
Conditions like these are often fleeting. Sometimes it pays to make the best of a situation wherever you find yourself in order to catch a moment of good light rather than searching for a better composition and missing the boat. Obviously I was spoiled with this epic view.
Date: 04/09/2019
Location: Elgol, Isle of Skye